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Jamaicans Urged to Work Together to Address Challenges

January 18, 2009

The Full Story

Pastor of Hope United Church in Kingston, Rev. Dr. Roderick Hewitt, has called on Jamaicans to work together to effectively address the challenges, which the country currently faces.
Addressing the National Leadership Prayer Breakfast (NLPB), at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston on Thursday (Jan 15), under theme: ‘No Transformation Without Reconciliation’, Rev. Hewitt noted that Jamaica has been beset by social, economic, and spiritual crises, which have left the society with a “deeply infested wound that requires surgery.”
“Yet, in spite of the awesome challenges that we are facing as a nation, together, we can affirm that God is still with us,” he stated.
Commenting on the theme of the NLPB, Rev. Hewitt said that transformation involves change that is difficult to make, but “we must be willing to risk failure, rather than (engage in) non-involvement.”
He urged that as individuals “dream of a new Jamaica” that is transformed, renewed, and reconciled, that they bear in mind the shared sense of identity that underpins national unity.
“I pray that we will all tell our people that all of us must be part of the solution in our land…Jamaica deserves better. With God, a new Jamaica is possible. This little place, this ‘Jamrock’, is too precious a gift for us not to pool together to give our children a fresh start, a second chance, a new beginning,” he exhorted.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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