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Jamaicans to be Sensitised about the Laws and Their Rights

By: , September 22, 2022
Jamaicans to be Sensitised about the Laws and Their Rights
Photo: Contributed
Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Wayne Robertson.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs will be embarking on a public education campaign on the laws of Jamaica and the rights of citizens.

The initiative will target technocrats and the wider public, with special emphasis on the legislative process, the role of stakeholders, as well as the Government’s legal and constitutional reform agendas.

Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Wayne Robertson, underscored the importance of sensitising Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora about their rights, which are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

“That is going to be done. We also need to sensitise Jaaicans on the new Constitution that will be crafted… as it is contemplated that we will take a broad look at the Constitution and reform accordingly,” he told JIS News.

The sensitisation of technocrats aims to ensure that persons’ rights are protected by the State and improve confidence in government.

“Technocrats in Ministries have to be sensitised on pieces of legislation which touch on and are concerned with their portfolio areas. What we find is that some entities are not versed on the full slate of laws under their portfolios. What we need to do is to educate those entities on the laws which govern their operations; but moreso, on the provisions contained therein,” Mr. Robertson said.

The public education programme will focus on the laws which govern the operations of Ministries, Departments and Agencies, and the need for compliance with these.

It will also address administrative/public law requirements for exercising statutory functions as well as the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the role of the State in safeguarding citizens’ rights.

Last Updated: September 23, 2022

Jamaica Information Service