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Jamaicans Abroad Pump Over J$500M Into COVID-19 Response

By: , March 16, 2022
Jamaicans Abroad Pump Over J$500M Into COVID-19 Response
Photo: Adrian Walker
(FILE) State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Leslie Campbell, speaking at a ceremony for the handover of 50 tablets and data cards to the National Education Trust (NET) under the ‘One Laptop of Tablet Per Child’ initiative, at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Kingston on Tuesday (February 15). The devices were procured through a donation of CAN$12,500 (approximately 1.5 million) by the Jamaican Diaspora in Canada to Food for the Poor.

The Full Story

The diaspora collectively donated more than J$500 million in supplies that have assisted the Government’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

This was disclosed by State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Leslie Campbell.

He spoke at the recent virtual inaugural prayer brunch, which was hosted by the Embassy of Jamaica in Beijing, China, in collaboration with the Jamaica Sunrise Diaspora Association.

Senator Campbell noted that the Government will continue to strengthen its partnership with the Jamaican diaspora.

“In times of crisis, our Jamaican family overseas has always shown concern and extended tangible support, as reflected during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

He noted that the diaspora continues to support the country in several sectors via “charitable entities, fundraising efforts, sharing of expertise and knowledge transfers”.

Meanwhile, he said the Government recognised the “significant impact” the pandemic has placed on the community.

“I pause here to express my admiration of the manner in which your community came together to provide important emotional support and resources to each other, during the early days of the pandemic,” he said.

“The Government, too, has a role to play in extending appropriate support to our fellow Jamaicans who may be experiencing immense challenges,” he also stated.


Last Updated: March 16, 2022

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