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Jamaica Looks to Deepen Diplomatic Ties

By: , February 10, 2014

The Key Point:

Sir Patrick says that Jamaica looks forward to deepening relations with all countries represented in the island, in confronting the numerous global challenges.
Jamaica Looks to Deepen Diplomatic Ties
Their Excellencies Governor General, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (centre), and Lady Allen (right), warmly greet South African High Commissioner to Jamaica, Her Excellency Mathu Joyini, as she arrives for the annual dinner for the Diplomatic Corps held on February 6 at King’s House.

The Facts

  • He was speaking on February 6, at the traditional dinner for heads of Diplomatic Missions in Jamaica and their spouses at King’s House.
  • He wished for the Diplomats a rewarding 2014 and invited them to call on the Custodes, who are his representatives, as they travel throughout the island for business or pleasure.

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, says that Jamaica looks forward to deepening relations with all countries represented in the island, in confronting the numerous global challenges.

“Some (challenges) including climate change and safety and security, pose a real threat to our very survival. Of course, we must also redouble our efforts aimed at promoting good governance and sustainable development for the benefit of our people,” the Governor-General said.

He was speaking on February 6, at the traditional dinner for heads of Diplomatic Missions in Jamaica and their spouses at King’s House.

The event is the highlight of the annual Diplomatic Week of activities, which is now in its 16th year and saw approximately 49 heads of missions, their spouses, Government Ministers, Custodes of Kingston and St. Andrew, President of the Senate, Chief Justice and other officials in attendance.

In welcoming his guests, the Governor-General said hosting the annual Diplomatic Week celebration is a source of pride for Jamaica.

He highlighted several memorable achievements by the country last year, including the performance of Jamaica’s athletes on the international stage and Tessanne Chin on the NBC show, ‘The Voice’. He noted however, that the island was also beset by socio-economic challenges during the year even as he gave thanks that there were no weather-related disasters.

The Governor-General also offered condolences to those who lost their lives and suffered significant property loss in the CARICOM nations of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, and Dominica late last year.

He wished for the Diplomats a rewarding 2014 and invited them to call on the Custodes, who are his representatives, as they travel throughout the island for business or pleasure. “They will ensure that you have a good time,” he assured.

This year’s Diplomatic week celebrations had a record number of participating Heads of Missions.

Since Diplomatic Week 2013, 17 High Commissioners and Ambassadors joined the Diplomatic Corps in Jamaica, including 10, who are non-residents.

Eight new Heads of Missions also presented their credentials this week.  The representatives are from the Commonwealth of Australia; the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; the Republic of Croatia; the Hellenic Republic (Greece); the State of Israel; the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Republic of Mozambique and the Republic of Suriname.

Last Updated: February 10, 2014

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