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Jamaica Fire Brigade Plans To Increase Staff

By: , December 2, 2021
Jamaica Fire Brigade Plans To Increase Staff
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Commissioner of the Jamaica Fire Brigade, Stewart Beckford, addresses a JIS ‘Think Tank’.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) has announced plans to increase its staff complement through the addition of new positions in upcoming fiscal years.

Speaking with JIS News, JFB Commissioner, Stewart Beckford, said the JFB’s staff complement of uniformed and non-uniformed personnel stands at approximately 2,164, with the number of uniformed firefighters hovering at 1,868.

“We are currently undertaking a restructuring exercise and coming out of that exercise will be some additional numbers in terms of our overall staff complement. There are an additional 151 new positions to come on stream over the next two financial years,” Commissioner Beckford revealed.

Persons interested in joining the Jamaica Fire Brigade are advised to visit its website at jfb.gov.jm , where the relevant information on eligibility and the application process can be found.

Among the eligibility criteria are a minimum of five Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) subjects or equivalent.

However, the Commissioner said that having specialised skillsets gives applicants a greater advantage.

“We are also interested in persons who may have certain skillsets that we are desirous of, for example mechanics and drivers, as those are always in demand; artisans, electricians, plumbers and those kinds of skillsets. We are interested in persons who have those,” said the Head of the JFB.

The JFB remains committed to carrying out its mandate of saving lives and protecting property.

Last Updated: December 2, 2021

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