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Jamaica Diaspora UK Office Up and Running

January 9, 2009

The Full Story

The new Jamaica Diaspora United Kingdom (UK) office, based at the Jamaican High Commission complex in London, is now up and running, with new telephone numbers and e-mail address.
Advisory Board Member in the UK, Celia Grandison Markey, told JIS News that the UK Diaspora movement is pleased that the Group has taken another step forward. She says the office will give the organisation a physical base and a point of contact that will make its administrative, community and outreach work much easier.
“The office is a sign of the progress we have made since our launch. The office means that the Jamaican and wider UK community will now have a central contact point with the Jamaica Diaspora UK. It will also allow us to be better able to communicate more effectively with our regions, the wider Jamaican and host communities,” Mrs. Grandison Markey said.
The UK Diaspora group was officially launched in June 2005, and was born out of the mandate of the first Jamaica Diaspora Conference, held in Kingston, in 2004. It is comprised of six regional groups from across the UK and held its first UK conference in April, 2006.
Contact details of the Jamaica Diaspora UK are: c/o The Jamaican High Commission, 1-2 Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ. The telephone numbers are: 020 7225 1796, Mobile: 076 3157 2045, e-mail: jamaicandiaspora@btconnect.com

Last Updated: January 9, 2009

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