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Parenting in the Pandemic

July 2, 2021
Parenting in the Pandemic

The Full Story

A parent’s job includes being on call 24 hours a day, performing extensive duties and receiving no salary. It is a job that became even harder when the COVID-19 pandemic reduced, or in some cases, removed families’ incomes. This resulted in some parents buckling under the financial and emotional strain.

If that is your reality, be assured that you have tools at your disposal to help.


Tips to Help Parents Cope


  • Keep a routine

Despite any disruptions, parents still had some control over their routines at home. For example, parents can set and adhere to a schedule, which will help to provide structure for the entire family.


  • Take time for yourself

It is also important for parents to take time for themselves to rejuvenate and recharge. This can be as simple as playing music, taking a nap or going for a brisk walk.


  • Get support

Another aspect of being successful at parenting during a pandemic is to have a good support system. Don’t be hesitant in asking for help. Parents can talk to other family members and friends to get advice. Additionally, parents can call the local parenting helpline.


Help is on the way. Call a parenting helpline!


The National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC) was established by the GOJ to provide improved coordination of support to parents.  They provide psychosocial care to parents who are in need of advice and guidance, as they deal with the challenges of parenting.


Since its launch on April 6, 2020, the 36 helplines established by NPSC, have provided parents with invaluable support throughout these challenging times.


What you need to know about parenting helplines 

  1. Every parish has its own contact number with both telecommunications providers.
  2. There are no special requirements, anyone who is interested in getting support can call.
  3. Behind every call is a trained, supportive staff member ready to listen and offer advice.
  4. The guidance offered to parents caters to a wide range of needs, including addressing their mental, emotional and physical health.
  5. If a parent requires further assistance, then he/she will be guided to additional resources.

So remember, despite all the challenges that the pandemic might throw at parents, there are GOJ resources available to provide guidance and support.


For additional information, contact:

The National Parenting Services Commission

37 Arnold Road


Telephone: 876-560-9272

Email: info@npsc.gov.jm

Website: http://npsc.80gigs.com



Last Updated: July 2, 2021

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