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Applying for Jamaican Citizenship

Under Chapter two of the Jamaican Constitution, persons born in Jamaica and persons born outside Jamaica of Jamaican parents have an automatic right to Jamaican citizenship. Applications for Jamaican Citizenship are done in different categories. These include applications for citizenship:

  • Descent
  • Marriage
  • Naturalization
  • Registration (Commonwealth)
  • Registration (Minor)


Based on Descent

By law, all persons born outside of Jamaica, who have a claim to Jamaican citizenship by descent, whether through parents or grandparents, are required to formally apply for the Certification of Jamaican Citizenship. This applies also to those who may have held Jamaican passports previously and now need to renew their passport and be issued with machine readable passports.


How to Apply

Complete the Citizenship Application form, which can be obtained from the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency website (PICA), any Jamaican High Commission or Consulate, or the link below:



If one or both parents are Jamaicans:

a)            Applicant’s full birth certificate (showing parents’ names)

b)            Applicant’s passport

c)            Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable)

d)            Jamaican parent’s birth certificate and passport (preferably Jamaican)

e)            Parent’s marriage certificate (if applicable).


If applying through Jamaican grandparents:

a)            Applicant’s full birth certificate

b)            Applicant’s passport

c)            Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable)

d)            Father/mother’s birth certificate and passport

e)            Maternal/paternal grandparent’s birth certificate and passport (preferably Jamaican)

f)             Parent’s/grandparent’s marriage certificate (if applicable)


All applications should be accompanied by two certified passport-sized photographs.

Applicants should submit the completed application form to the offices of PICA if applying in Jamaica or the offices of a Jamaican High Commission/Consulate if overseas and present original documents which will be copied and certified as true copies of the originals and your original documents (e.g. birth certificate, passport etc) and are returned to you immediately.



Please note that all fees are subject to change without notice.












On the basis of the verified compliant documents submitted and lineage established, a Certificate of Citizenship will be issued. The processing time takes approximately six (6) to twelve (12) months.


Based on Marriage

Non-Jamaicans wishing to obtain Jamaican Citizenship by virtue of marriage to a Jamaican should apply in writing to the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) if applying in Jamaica, or through the Jamaican High Commissions/Consulates if overseas. The following documents should be submitted:

  • Completed application R1 form in duplicate (forms are available from PICA’s website or from High Commissions/Consulates)
  • Applicant’s Passport and Birth Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Two (2) recent passport-size photographs
  • Husband’s or Wife’s Birth Certificate and Jamaican Passport
  • Police Report from country of residence








15, 000.00





The processing period is approximately one (1) year.


Based on Naturalisation

A person may be granted naturalisation if:

  • He/she has lived in Jamaica for a minimum of five (5) years immediately preceding submission of the application.
  • He/she is of good character and be financially solvent


How to apply:

The application should be made (in duplicate) on Naturalisation Form N1, which is accessible from the link below:


The form should be completed and signed in the presence of a Justice of the Peace, a Notary Public or someone authorised to administer oaths.

The application should be sponsored by four (4) references. The sponsors should be Jamaican by birth and should not be civil servants, relatives, lawyers or agents of the applicant.

Before submitting the application, notice of your intention to apply for naturalisation must appear in a daily newspaper. This notice should be published on two separate occasions, at least one (1) week apart and be submitted along with the application.

The following support documents should be submitted to PICA along with the application:

  • Birth Certificate and any other evidence of nationality
  • Passport on which the applicant originally entered Jamaica
  • Current passport (if different)
  • Work Permit or Exemption Certificate
  • Evidence of community activities in which the applicant may be involved, e.g. service club, etc.
  • Two (2) passport-size photographs certified by a Justice of the Peace
  • Tax Compliance Certificate








20, 000






The process takes approximately 24 months after which a Certificate of Naturalization will be granted. Thereafter, the Oath of Allegiance will be administered and the successful applicant sworn in as a citizen of Jamaica.


Registration (Commonwealth Citizen)

A Commonwealth Citizen who has resided legitimately in Jamaica for at least five consecutive years, and is of good character, may make an application for registration as a Jamaican citizen.


How to Apply

1.)     Complete in duplicate the Registration Form, R3 which is accessible from PICA offices or from the link below:


2.)     The form should be signed in the presence of a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or someone authorized to administer oaths.

3.)     The application form should be submitted to PICA along with following support documents:

  • Applicant’s original birth certificate
  • Passport on which the applicant originally entered Jamaica and current passport, if different
  • Work permit or exemption certificate or contract
  • Evidence of community activities in which the applicant is involved, for example, service club, etc
  • Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)
  • Two certified passport-size photographs
  • Verification of income
  • Recent bank statements

Once the application is approved the applicant will be required to pay the following fees:






15, 000






Registration (Minor)

Under the Jamaican Nationality Act, the minor of any citizen of Jamaica may apply to be registered as a citizen of Jamaica by a parent or guardian.


How to apply

1.)    The application should be made in duplicate on the registration Form R4 which is accessible from PICA’s offices or the link below:


The form must be completed by the parent or the guardian of the minor and be signed in the presence of a justice of the peace, notary public or someone authorised to administer oaths.

2.)    Two references are required to sponsor the application. These persons should be Jamaicans by birth and should not be a relative, lawyer or agent of the applicant.

3.)    The application should be submitted to PICA along with the following supporting documents:

  • Minor’s Birth Certificate
  • Minor’s passport
  • Parent’s Marriage Certificate
  • Parent’s Passport
  • Evidence of parent’s Jamaican Nationality (if citizen of Jamaica)
  • Work permit of parents
  • Tax compliance certificate of the applicant
  • Two (2) certified passport size photographs of the minor
  • The cost of registration for minors is J$5000.00, which is payable after the application is approved.

The process takes approximately (24) Months.


For additional information contact:

Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA)
25 Constant Spring Road
Kingston 10, Jamaica
Tel: (876) 908-0142
Email: citizenship@pica.gov.jm
Website: www.citizenship@pica.gov.jm

Or, the nearest Jamaican High Commission or Consulate.