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‘I-95’ Roadway in Portmore to be Officially Named Municipal Boulevard

January 25, 2006

The Full Story

The roadway from the Mandela Highway to Braeton Parkway in Portmore, St. Catherine, commonly known as ‘I-95’, will be officially named the Municipal Boulevard.

An unveiling ceremony and the erection of a road sign will take place in early February on site. Mayor of Portmore, George Lee, told JIS News that the selection of the name was done by a committee consisting of members of the Parish Council and the Portmore Citizens Advisory Council.

He explained that the name was selected from among those submitted by Portmore residents who were asked to participate in the naming of the road. “Many names were put forward, including names of political leaders but in the wisdom of the committee, it was felt that this was the most appropriate name,” Mayor Lee said.

To make the process legal, he noted that the name has been gazetted as well as published in the daily newspapers to inform the public. Mayor Lee said that the road, which was a “major thoroughfare,” was never named but was called “I-95” by the majority of persons. He noted that because it was not considered a legal name, the Police had difficulty prosecuting drivers who committed traffic offences on it.

Meanwhile, the Mayor pointed out that the National Works Agency (NWA) had been cleaning and bushing the roadway for the official opening. Additionally, he said the Council would be seeking funds during this year to erect street lights on the road.

Last Updated: August 19, 2019

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