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Homes to be Provided for Several Indigent Persons in Clarendon

By: , August 28, 2023
Homes to be Provided for Several Indigent Persons in Clarendon
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (left), and Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Clarendon North Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Morgan, view a breakaway along a road in the community of Suttons during a tour of the constituency on Thursday (August 24).
Homes to be Provided for Several Indigent Persons in Clarendon
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (left), offers encouraging words to resident of Rock River in Clarendon North Central, Allan Edwards, who is among several persons identified in the constituency to receive homes under the Ministry’s Indigent Support Programme. Mr. McKenzie visited Mr. Edwards while touring the constituency on Thursday (August 24). Looking on (from second left) are Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament for the constituency, Hon. Robert Morgan; and Councillor for the Rock River Division, Uriah Mitchell.
Homes to be Provided for Several Indigent Persons in Clarendon
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (second right), converses with resident of Garden Wood in Clarendon North Central, Carmen Thomas (centre), during a tour of the constituency on Thursday (August 24). Looking on (from left) are Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament for the constituency, Hon. Robert Morgan; community member, John Simmonds; and Chief Technical Director in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Dwight Wilson.
Homes to be Provided for Several Indigent Persons in Clarendon
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (centre), and Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament for Clarendon North Central, Hon. Robert Morgan (right), speak with residents of Back Pennants, Marilyn Stewart (second left) and Beryl Brown Stewart (second right) who are among several persons identified in the constituency to receive homes under the Local Government Ministry’s Indigent Support Programme. Mr. McKenzie visited both ladies while touring the constituency on Thursday (August 24). Hershell Brown.

The Full Story

Several residents of Clarendon North Central are to be provided with homes under the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development’s Indigent Support Programme.

This was announced by Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, who indicated that three cases have, so far, been identified.

“One is ready for [construction to commence] because they have the title for the [property] and we are going to be moving expeditiously in putting down the housing solution,” he informed.

Mr. McKenzie was speaking with journalists after touring the constituency on Thursday (August 24).

He was accompanied by Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Morgan.

Mr. McKenzie commended the Clarendon Poor Relief Department for identifying the cases and bringing them to the Ministry’s attention.

He also lauded Minister Morgan for following up on the matter with him, noting that the discussions helped to advance it to the point where he (Mr. McKenzie) is “feeling comfortable” with the extent of interventions being programmed.

Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (second right), speaks with resident of Coxwaine Road in Clarendon North Central, Alberta Henry (left), who is among several persons identified in the constituency to receive homes under the Ministry’s Indigent Support Programme. Mr. McKenzie visited Ms. Henry while touring the constituency on Thursday (August 24). Looking on (from second left) are Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament for the constituency, Hon. Robert Morgan; Councillor for the Rock River Division, Uriah Micthell; and Secretary for the Board of Supervision, which falls under the Local Government Ministry, Treka Lewis.

Mr. McKenzie also announced that two additional water shops are to be installed in the constituency to bring the number serving the residents to three.

He advised that a 20,000-gollon water shop will be installed in the community of Garden Wood, while a 16,000-gallon facility is slated for Beckford Kraal.

The initial water shop was installed in the community of Pennants in 2017.

Mr. McKenzie further announced that the Ministry will be allocating funds to the Clarendon Municipal Corporation to purchase another water truck to serve the parish.

Meanwhile, he advised that the Ministry will be looking to seek how best to repair roads in constituency that have deteriorated.

He acknowledged work done by Minister Morgan to rehabilitate some of the roads, while highlighting others “in need of attention.”

Mr. McKenzie advised that the Ministry’s technical team will be working with the Municipal Corporation “to attend to at least one of the roads… that we drove on today to see how best [it can be rehabilitated].”

The Minister further indicated that the Social Development Commission (SDC) has been asked to conduct a survey in the constituency to ascertain what other issues require interventions.

Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (left); Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information and Member of Parliament for Clarendon North Central, Hon. Robert Morgan (centre); and Councillor for the Rock River Division, Uriah Mitchell (right), tour a section of the constituency on Thursday (August 24). Accompanying them is Chief Technical Director in the Local Government Ministry, Dwight Wilson.
Last Updated: August 28, 2023

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