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Healthcare Workers Lauded for Bravery and Commitment During COVID-19

By: , July 6, 2022
Healthcare Workers Lauded for Bravery and Commitment During COVID-19
Photo: Dave Reid
Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn (left), makes a comment to Professor the Most Hon. Dr. Denise Eldemire Shearer, as she addresses the official launch of Healthcare Workers Appreciation Month on Monday (July 4), at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in St. Andrew. Professor Shearer is Chairperson for the Healthcare Workers Appreciation Committee.

The Full Story

In one of the biggest health crises to impact the globe, the country’s healthcare workers have and continue to show bravery and commitment in preserving the well-being of Jamaicans, says Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn.

“In time of vulnerability, such as we have experienced in this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare workers at all levels have served the nation with a spirit of resilience, going above and beyond self to address the prevailing and imminent health needs,” she pointed out.

“Our healthcare workers have acted selflessly as they bore the weight of the nation,” she added, noting that during the height of the crisis, the health professionals “flexed their muscles” and boosted the morale of fellow team members as they delivered services to the public.

Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn was addressing the official launch of Healthcare Workers Appreciation Month on Monday (July 4), at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in St. Andrew.

Referencing the theme for the month – ‘Honouring Commitment, Service and Sacrifice’ – Mrs. Cuthbert Flynn said that “these three words are a most fitting description of the various professionals who make up the public health system”.

She said that Jamaica’s “health heroes” have shown a track record of dedication, noting that their role is critical for the nation’s health security.

She singled out the midwives, who are providing “steady care” in maternal and reproductive health; substance abuse officers, who are in the field offering support to vulnerable persons; personnel at the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS), who are ensuring safe blood; and the National HIV/STI Programme team, who are doing a “fantastic job” in reaching the targeted groups.

The month-long series of activities for Healthcare Workers Appreciation Month will include award ceremonies, sport and entertainment events, and ecumenical services.

Last Updated: July 13, 2022

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