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Health Ministry Receives Essential Supplies from Jamaica Red Cross

By: , March 14, 2023
Health Ministry Receives Essential Supplies from Jamaica Red Cross
Photo: Contributed
Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn (left), receives sanitisation and personal protective equipment from representatives of the Jamaica Red Cross. From left are Director General, Yvonne Clarke; President, Allasandra Chung and Past President, Dr. Carole Powell. With them is Programme Manager, Jamaica Country Cluster, International Federation of the Red Cross/Crescent Societies (IFRC), Cheryl Lewis.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has received sanitisation and personal protective equipment, valued more than $8.6 million, from the Jamaica Red Cross.

The items include 16 sanitiser stations for distribution across the regional health authorities, more than 13,000 surgical gowns, and 6,000 face shields along with facial masks.

The provision was facilitated through the International Federation of the Red Cross/Crescent Societies (IFRC) COVID-19 Response Grant.

Speaking during the recent handover ceremony at the offices of the Jamaica Red Cross in St Catherine, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, expressed gratitude to the organisation for its gesture, which she said will aid in the fight against viral and bacterial infections and sustain hygienic healthcare practices islandwide.

“I thank the Jamaica Red Cross and its network of over 350 volunteers, members and staff islandwide for the unwavering support towards the public health system and, overall, the nation’s humanitarian response. We remain grateful for this kind of collaboration as we continue to improve health and well-being across the island,” Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn said.

The State Minister emphasised that the items are important in supporting the availability of hygiene supplies at points of care.

“This donation carries with it a timely reminder about preventive measures. Hand-hygiene and overall cleanliness are non-negotiable in any healthcare setting. These supplies, we know, will go a far way in reducing the spread of germs, viruses and bacteria,” she said.

“By now, we all would have gained a greater appreciation for keeping our hands germ-free whether in healthcare settings, at home, in our offices or out in public,” Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn added.

She said mask-wearing remains imperative to the infection prevention and control measures that have been effective in the COVID-19 response.

Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn commended the Jamaica Red Cross for its commitment to the country, especially during times of crisis.

“The culture of care is alive and well through the work of the Jamaica Red Cross, whose continuity in providing relief, especially in the wake of emergencies, remains a distinct part of its legacy,” the State Minister pointed out.

Last Updated: March 15, 2023

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