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Gov’t Resumes E-Commerce National Delivery System

By: , August 25, 2021
Gov’t Resumes E-Commerce National Delivery System
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, addressing a virtual press conference recently.

The Full Story

The Government has resumed the E-commerce National Delivery System (ENDS) and has granted permission for registered stakeholders to operate until midnight during the coronavirus (COVID-19) curfew hours and on no-movement days.

The no-movement days that were recently announced by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, have been implemented to curb surging COVID-19 cases islandwide.

Those days are Sunday, August 22; Monday, August 23; Tuesday, August 24; Sunday, August 29; Monday, August 30; Tuesday, August 31; and Sunday, September 5.

Prime Minister Holness said registered online vendors and businesses, as well as delivery operators registered on the ENDS system, will be able to operate during the stipulated periods.

ENDS, which was launched on March 6, 2021, is a registration portal for compliant businesses and delivery services to operate during the curfew hours.

It was implemented as part of the Government’s efforts to facilitate  quick-service industry stakeholders’ operations.

Any compliant business/vendor or taxi/motorcycle courier can operate once they have submitted the requisite documents and are verified and approved.

As at August 19, 2021, a total of 84 businesses had re-registered on the ENDS platform.

These include supermarkets, restaurants, vendors, pharmacies, courier services, and health facilities. The full list of approved service providers can be viewed at www.ends.gov.jm.

The system was upgraded recently to improve vendor registration and tracking processes.

Applicants can register for ENDS by visiting www.ends.gov.jm/signup. Registration is free and processing of applications is completed within three business days.

ENDS is a joint initiative of the Cabinet and the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ).

Last Updated: August 25, 2021

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