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Gov’t Intensifies Public Education Ahead Of COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction

By: , February 3, 2021
Gov’t Intensifies Public Education Ahead Of COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (February 2).

The Full Story

The Ministry of Health and Wellness will be intensifying its public education programme ahead of the introduction of the first set of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

The Government has been advised by the COVAX Facility that the country is set to receive between 146,400 and 249,600 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccines, by mid to late February 2021.

“We will intensify our health promotion and communications machinery, beginning with a town hall on Thursday (February 4) to further foster trust of the vaccine, dispel myths and misinformation, provide factual and accurate information about vaccination, and gain public input in the vaccination strategies to be employed,” Dr. Tufton said.

The Minister, who was addressing the sitting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday (February 2), informed that he, along with the clinical team, will be available for interviews in the print and electronic media “as we all work for acceptance and uptake for the approved COVID-19 vaccine in Jamaica”.

“This is critical to slowing the spread of the infection, reducing morbidity and mortality as well as rebuilding the economy,” he said.

Dr. Tufton told the House that he will be meeting with key stakeholder groups over the next three to five days to finalise plans to introduce the COVID-19 vaccines.

The talks will include the National Vaccine Commission, which involves representatives from various sectors of society, and the National Coordinating Committee, which is the technical working group comprising of clinicians and other public health specialists.

Dr. Tufton said that the Ministry will also convene a meeting with private practitioners from across the island on Sunday (February 7) to discuss their role in the distribution of the vaccines, especially among the high-risk groups.

He assured that the Ministry is taking all the necessary steps to ensure that safe and effective vaccines are deployed through the continued monitoring of developments relating to COVID-19 vaccines.

“Our commitment remains to safeguard the health and well-being of every Jamaican, even as we continue to implore Jamaicans from all walks of life to play their part in reducing the spread of this disease,” Dr. Tufton said.

In the last five days, the country recorded an additional 538 COVID 19 cases, with as many as 101 patients hospitalised.

The number of deaths have increased by nine, and between eight and 11 persons daily are considered to be in critical condition.

Last Updated: February 3, 2021

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