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Gov’t Increases Support to Early-Childhood Institutions

By: , February 24, 2019

The Key Point:

The Government will be increasing its support to privately run early-childhood institutions in the 2019/2020 fiscal year.
Gov’t Increases Support to Early-Childhood Institutions
Photo: Serena Grant
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, interacts with students of the Liberty Hill Infant School in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, at the institution’s reopening on Wednesday (February 20).
Gov’t Increases Support to Early-Childhood Institutions
Photo: Serena Grant
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (second right), cuts the ribbon to officially reopen the Liberty Hill Infant School in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, on Wednesday (February 20). Sharing in the occasion (from left) are Public Relations and Administrative Manager at Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education ​(CHASE) Fund, Hillary Colton; Councillor of the Dry Harbour Division, St. Ann, Carlton Ricketts; and Member of Parliament for Northwest St. Ann, Dr. Dayton Campbell.

The Facts

  • “This is an increase for the early-childhood sector,” he said while addressing the official reopening of the Liberty Hill Infant School in the community of Dumbarton in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, on Wednesday (February 20).
  • The institution, which was destroyed by fire in 2014, was rebuilt through $22.2 million in funding from the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund.

The Full Story

The Government will be increasing its support to privately run early-childhood institutions in the 2019/2020 fiscal year.

Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says that $346 million has been allocated to cover the provision of stipend, nutritional support, school materials and training.

“This is an increase for the early-childhood sector,” he said while addressing the official reopening of the Liberty Hill Infant School in the community of Dumbarton in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, on Wednesday (February 20).

He noted, further, that $43 million has been provided to the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) to cover fees for institutions to renew their food-handler’s permits and police records.

“All the practitioners, when they are ready for the renewal of these permits, they will be funded by the ECC, on the condition that they are from registered institutions,” Senator Reid said.

“I am going to put a little caveat on it to make sure they have at least a two-year contract. I do not want us to give them a waiver and they are temporary institutions,” he added.

He noted that Liberty Hill Infant School will benefit from the provision.

The institution, which was destroyed by fire in 2014, was rebuilt through $22.2 million in funding from the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund.

The school is the first in the island to be certified by the ECC upon reopening.

Last Updated: February 24, 2019

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