Government To Establish Six New STEM High Schools
By: March 20, 2020 ,The Full Story
As Jamaica moves forward with its new thrust towards education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the Government plans to establish six new STEM high schools or academies that will serve as Centres of Excellence for STEM education.
“We are also collaborating with private-sector entities to establish a National STEM Teacher Development Centre, as the development of a cadre of high-quality teachers is critical to our efforts to transform the educational system,” the Prime Minister said.
Mr. Holness made the announcement during his 2020/21 Budget Debate presentation in the House of Representatives, on Thursday (March 19).
The Chinese Government is to assist with three of the schools, while the Government will be responsible for covering the cost for the other three.
While we are focusing on STEM, this is not to the exclusion of arts and culture. Our objective is to catalyse the growth of our creative industries, such as music, art and craft through the infusion of STEM skills and new technologies,” the Prime Minister said.