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GG Tours Trelawny

September 23, 2009

The Full Story

The Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon Sir Patrick Allen, and Lady Allen, toured sections of Trelawny Tuesday (September 22), as part of the islandwide visits he had promised at his installation in February.
The visit to Trelawny brings to 10 the number of parishes the Governor-General and Lady Allen have toured since his installation.
In an address to a special sitting of the Trelawny Parish Council, the Governor-General referred to the number of international athletes who originated in Trelawny, adding that there must be something special about the parish.
He said that it could not just be as a result of the water and types of food available in the parish. He expressed his view that discipline and hard work had a lot to do with it.

President of the Trelawny Chamber of Commerce, Dennis Seivwright (left) introducing the Governor General, His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen (centre) and Lady Allen (right) to the Albert George Shopping Centre in Falmouth, Trelawny, during their tour of the parish on Tuesday (September 22).

“The yam and the water alone cannot do it, there is a discipline component to being a great athlete,” he observed. He noted that to be a professional athlete requires a great deal of commitment and discipline.
“What that is saying to me, is that the people of Trelawny instill discipline in their children, and that discipline is what drives them and motivates them and helps them to aspire and achieve greatness,” he stated.
He called on adults islandwide, to take responsibility for mentoring and encouraging the youth.
Following his address to the Council, the Governor-General and Lady Allen visited the Albert George Shopping Centre in Falmouth, and toured the port expansion project taking place in the town.
He also visited Westwood High School for Girls and addressed the teachers and students, before visiting the “Outameni Experience” cultural tour.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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