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Fire Brigade Inspected 7,795 Buildings Last Year

By: , March 9, 2023
Fire Brigade Inspected 7,795 Buildings Last Year
Photo: Dave Reid
Commissioner, Jamaica Fire Brigade, Stewart Beckford.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) conducted thousands of routine building inspections during the 2022 calendar year, to ensure conformity with fire prevention regulations.

A total of 7,795 buildings were examined by the Fire Prevention Department, representing a 16 per cent increase over the 6,718 structures inspected the previous year.

Additionally, 2,021 buildings were certified last year, which is 447 more than in 2021.

JFB Commissioner, Stewart Beckford, told JIS News that the Brigade has a mandate to save lives and protect property.

“To ensure that the public that we serve continues to remain safe, we conducted several inspections of different specified buildings,” he said.

Among these were hotels, places of amusement, apartments, offices, industrial and commercial complexes, and gas stations.

Commissioner Beckford noted that industrial and commercial buildings accounted for 1,990 of the total number of structures inspected last year.

This represented a seven per cent decrease from the 2,148 buildings inspected in 2021.

Additionally, inspections were conducted across 1,534 early childhood institutions, which is an increase of 559 or 57 per cent over 2021.

Last Updated: March 9, 2023

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