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Education Ministry Develops NSLIP For New School Year

By: , July 1, 2021

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has developed a National School Learning and Intervention Plan (NSLIP), to guide curriculum management on the reopening of schools at the beginning of the 2021/2022 academic year.

The plan was created against the background of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Jamaica’s education system, which has resulted in learning gaps.

In a bulletin issued by the Ministry recently, it was stated that the NSLIP will provide a detailed framework to guide school leaders in making decisions about teaching and learning, with the key goal being to get students back on their learning track.

The NSLIP framework will be used by principals, teachers, Regional Authorities and the Central Ministry to guide the development and implementation of strategies designed to: assess learning gaps; improve student performance in core subject areas; and reduce learning gaps among students, so that they are able to function at grade level in core subject areas.

It will also be used to improve the social and emotional well-being of all students through the engagement in a Character Education Programme and the provision of robust psychosocial support, and foster and engender improved school-home and school- community relationships through the inclusion of community-based programmes and activities in the delivery of all intervention programmes.

According to the bulletin, the plan seeks to address the general curriculum management; school-level intervention plan development and implementation; and homework and extra lessons support. This is built on three pillars – academic learning and holistic development, capacity building, and community/parent engagement.

A bottom-up approach, beginning with the development of school-level plans that are to be reviewed and approved at the regional level, will be used to guide the implementation of the programme.

The central Ministry will provide the technical and financial support required for the implementation of plans developed at the school and regional levels.

Last Updated: July 1, 2021

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