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Eden Gardens Ready for Health Tourism Market

By: , April 2, 2014

The Key Point:

The management of the recently re-branded Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa has set its sights on entering the health tourism market.
Eden Gardens Ready for Health Tourism Market
Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (left), is assisted by and Executive Chairman, Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa, Dr. Henry Lowe, as she cuts the ribbon to launch the newly redeveloped facility on March 25, at its Lady Musgrave Road location, in Kingston.

The Facts

  • The new Eden Gardens has been fully redirected to its originally intended purpose of providing holistic wellness and positive lifestyles for the mind, body, and spirit.
  • The Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa fits perfectly into the Ministry’s strategy to re-position Kingston as a vibrant metropolitan tourist city.

The Full Story

The management of the recently re-branded Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa has set its sights on entering the health tourism market.

“We want to make this a major tourist attraction in Kingston. We want it to become a tour stop, just like other places. We want to ensure that for wellness tourism, it becomes a centre of excellence,” says Executive Chairman of the Environmental Health Foundation (EHF) Group of Companies, Dr. Henry Lowe.

He was speaking at the launch event for the re-branded facility, which now offers 18 guest rooms, a world class spa, three restaurants, juice bar, banqueting and conferencing facility, fitness centre, herbal and gift store, and a number of retail shops.

Dr. Lowe noted that the new Eden Gardens has been fully redirected to its originally intended purpose of providing holistic wellness and positive lifestyles for the mind, body, and spirit.

Dr. Lowe also expressed a desire to see wellness and hospitality, and cultural and heritage tourism, take a solid foothold in the Corporate Area.

“We have a lot of basics that can be used to get us there. We have the mineral bath at Rockfort, we have the Blue Mountains, we have the beaches,” Dr. Lowe added.
In the meantime, Minister of Tourism and Entertainment, Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill, welcomed the addition of Eden Gardens to the country’s tourism product offerings.

“The Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa fits perfectly into the Ministry’s strategy to re-position Kingston as a vibrant metropolitan tourist city, and also, our resolve to establish a firm foothold in the health and wellness sector of the world tourism market,” Dr. McNeill said.

Last Updated: April 2, 2014

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