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Earl of Wessex Visits Jamaica Next Week

January 30, 2009

The Full Story

Jamaica will be graced with the presence of His Royal Highness, Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex, when he arrives on Monday, February 2, to participate in activities related to the Duke of Edinburgh Awards in Jamaica.
As an international trustee of the Edinburgh Awards International Association, the Earl will present 21 awardees with gold medals at a ceremony scheduled for King’s House, February 3.
As the Award’s national patron, the Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Professor Sir Kenneth Hall, will present the certificates of achievement.
Regional Director of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Association for the Americas, David Clarke, described the Award as “a character-building programme for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 years old.”
It has been in operation since 1956 and was started by His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh. It now operates in 127 countries, including Jamaica.
The programme was established in Jamaica in 1961 and has enabled young people to participate in many activities, and learn skills. Participants learn to work as a team and are required to complete activities in four areas for a specified period, including, a adventurous expeditions, skills and physical recreation.
The gold award is presented to persons aged 16 years and older, who have successfully completed eight months of activities and have exhibited good citizenship. Recipients of the silver award must be 15 years or older, and must take on tasks for 12 to 18 months. The bronze award is received by persons 14 and older, and this can be earned in six months to one year.
Prince Edward is the fourth child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh and seventh in line to the Throne.
The Earl of Wessex’s other activities in Jamaica will include, attendance at the launch of the Bustamante Museum on February 3, a courtesy call on the Governor-General and a private awards dinner on February 4.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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