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Customers of SLB Will Soon Be Able to Check Balances on Portal

By: , July 20, 2022
Customers of SLB Will Soon Be Able to Check Balances on Portal
Photo: Contributed
The Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB) Logo.

The Full Story

Customers of the Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB) will soon be able to check their loan balances on the SLB Customer Portal.

Speaking with JIS News, Deputy Executive Director at the SLB, Charmaine Rose Anderson, said the option to check loan balances will be offered later this year.

“One of the major complaints over the years that we have heard from customers is they can’t see their loan balances. They don’t know what their loan balance is; they have to call the SLB… . All of that is now available on the customer portal. You can download your statement anytime at your own convenience,” Mrs. Rose Anderson added.

She noted that guarantors will also be able to check the loan balances.

“Guarantors will be kept informed on the progress and performance of the loans they guarantee. As a guarantor, you are legally responsible for this loan that you have guaranteed and, therefore, we think you should be kept informed of every development on the loan, so guarantors are kept informed of activities that take place on the loan,” Mrs. Rose Anderson said.

The SLB recently redesigned their website to include a customer portal that is meant to enable easier and efficient use of its services.

The checking of loan balances is a new feature of the Strategic Transformation of End-users Experience Portal (STEEP), or customer portal.

To use STEEP, new customers are required to sign up to create a portal account. Security features are added to ensure Data Privacy and Protection laws are embedded in its operations.

Returning customers will be asked to log in using the email address they have on file at the SLB. They will be prompted to change their passwords, and emails are sent to returning students to guide them through the process.

A one-time passcode (OTP) will be sent to the customers’ email addresses and mobile numbers used in the sign-up process. The email address will now become the new username.

Last Updated: July 20, 2022

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