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COVID-19 Update: One More Death, 56 New Cases

By: , August 22, 2020

The Full Story

KINGSTON, Jamaica. Friday, August 21, 2020: Regrettably in the last 24 hours, Jamaica saw another COVID-19-related death. The deceased is an imported case of a 69-year-old female from Manchester. The total death from COVID-19 is now at 16. At the same time, the country recorded 56 new confirmed COVID-19 cases. These bring the total cases on record for the island to 1,346. Additionally, recoveries remained at 788 (61.1% recovery rate).

Of the newly confirmed cases, 19 males and 37 females, with ages ranging from 6 to 89 years old. Nine of the new cases are contacts of confirmed cases; five are local transmission not epidemiologically linked; two are imported, arriving on flights from USA and the UK; and 40 cases are under investigation. The cases were recorded in Kingston & St. Andrew (21), St. Thomas (17), St. Catherine (11), Clarendon (4), Manchester (2) and St. Ann (1).

Seven moderately ill patients and four critically ill patients are among the 471 (35%) active cases now under observation in Jamaica. Seventy-one (71) of the cases recorded on the island have returned to their countries of origin.

Some 28,865 persons of interest are quarantined at home, while eight remain in quarantined at a government facility.

Jamaica now has 433 imported cases; 435 cases that are contacts of confirmed cases; 125 local transmission cases not epidemiologically linked; 236 related to the workplace cluster in St. Catherine and 117 are under investigation.

Some 729 (54%) of all confirmed cases are females and 617 (46%) are males. The ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 months to 89 years.

Pharmacy Services for Quarantine Communities

The National Health Fund (NHF), an agency of the Ministry of Health & Wellness, as customary will be filling prescriptions and providing other pharmacy services in the quarantined communities, as per the schedule below:

Quarantine Area  Service Day(s)
Albion, St. Thomas Saturday, August 22
Sandy Bay, Clarendon Saturday, August 22 & Tuesday August 25
Seaforth, St. Thomas Tuesday, August 25
Bamboo River, Church Hill & Summit, St. Thomas Wednesday, August 26


Clinical Management Summary

as at 9:00 p.m. on Friday, August 21, 2020

Total Samples Tested 51,765
New Samples tested in the last 24 hours 1,082
Discharge samples tested in the last 24 hours 12
Results Positive 1,346
Results Negative 50,303
Results Pending 116
Deceased 16
Recovered 788
Persons Repatriated 71
Number in Facility Quarantine 8
Number in Home Quarantine 28,865
Number Hospitalised 32
Persons in Facility Isolation 52
Persons in Home Isolation 380
Persons in Step Down Facilities (Isolation) 7
Persons Moderately Ill 7
Persons Critically Ill 4
Last Updated: August 22, 2020

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