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Corporate Area Leads the Way with 53 Caps

March 9, 2013

The Full Story

Of the 118 Community Access Points (CAPs) established in various communities islandwide through the Universal Service Fund (USF), Kingston and St. Andrew account for 53, to serve the most populated urban centre in the island.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the USF, Hugh Cross, told JIS News that another 21 CAPs are being constructed in the Corporate Area, and 32 applications being processed.

Speaking at a JIS 'Think Tank' on March 6, Mr. Cross said that similar facilities are being constructed in the rural areas, to ensure that persons have access to the internet.  

According to the CEO, CAPs are beginning to have a significant impact on the communities and the demand for them is growing.  

Mr. Cross pointed out that students can now do their homework/research in their respective community or at a point closest to home, and community members now have access to modern technology, without having to spend vast sums of money.

"We currently have under evaluation applications for 138 additional CAP facilities.  We want to ensure that more Jamaicans have access to the internet. At the moment we have 34 libraries, 112 schools and 57 post offices connected," he said.

Among the projected 138 CAPs, Mr. Cross noted that there will be a few model cyber centres, which will be set up in the major towns.    

As at February 5, 2013, some $9.7 billion has been collected by the USF by way of a levy of US$0.03 per minute on inbound international voice calls terminated to fixed lines and US$0.02 per minute on calls terminated to mobile lines in Jamaica.

Last Updated: July 24, 2013

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