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Consensus Reached Between the GOJ and IMAJ on Critical Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project (SCHIP) Matters

By: , September 24, 2024
Consensus Reached Between the GOJ and IMAJ on Critical Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project (SCHIP) Matters
Photo: JIS File
Hon. Robert Nesta Morgan, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation

The Full Story

A broad consensus was reached on key priority areas, including but not limited to arbitration, outstanding payments and claims during a recent meeting.

The meeting chaired by Honourable Robert Nesta Morgan, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, included the Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Arlene Williams, other senior ministry officials, Mr. Richard Mullings, President of the Incorporated Masterbuilders Association of Jamaica (IMAJ) and other representatives of the IMAJ.

“This is our second meeting with the IMAJ as we aim to maintain a positive working relationship with all our contractors to carry out the [road] projects across the country. We have some technical issues to work through and will aim to finalise these over the next couple of months”, Minister Morgan said.

Minister without portfolio, Hon. Robert Nesta Morgan chaired a meeting with IMAJ representatives, addressing arbitration, payments, and claims related to the Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project.

Minister Morgan reiterated the Government’s commitment to continue working with local contractors on road projects in an amicable manner.

The Minister and IMAJ agreed to have follow-up discussions to track the progress of matters, which would subsequently be discussed with the main contractor – China Harbour Engineering Company.

Last Updated: September 24, 2024

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