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CLA To Host Sensitisation Sessions Islandwide

By: , February 25, 2020

The Key Point:

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) is aiming to host two sensitisation sessions monthly in rural areas, to raise awareness about the medicinal cannabis industry islandwide.
CLA To Host Sensitisation Sessions Islandwide
Photo: Contributed
Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA), Director of Research Development and Communications, Felicia Bailey

The Facts

  • Director of Research Development and Communication at the CLA, Felicia Bailey, told JIS News that their communication efforts are targeting rural communities, as they want to engage traditional cannabis and small farmers.
  • “Some of these farmers can take advantage, especially on the cultivation side. Maybe they have more land, so that's one of the reasons we are going to them. There are five different licence types, cultivation is just one of them, but we do realise that most persons in rural areas are interested in cultivation, so we are trying to reach those persons,” she explained.

The Full Story

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) is aiming to host two sensitisation sessions monthly in rural areas, to raise awareness about the medicinal cannabis industry islandwide.

Director of Research Development and Communication at the CLA, Felicia Bailey, told JIS News that their communication efforts are targeting rural communities, as they want to engage traditional cannabis and small farmers.

“Some of these farmers can take advantage, especially on the cultivation side. Maybe they have more land, so that’s one of the reasons we are going to them. There are five different licence types, cultivation is just one of them, but we do realise that most persons in rural areas are interested in cultivation, so we are trying to reach those persons,” she explained.

According to Ms. Bailey, the sessions are also used by the CLA to gauge the issues and concerns that persons from the rural communities may have with the application process.

“We use the sessions to do surveys to understand better what might be some of the limitations for persons who are trying to get into the industry and we use that to garner information. We try to use the surveys to gather the information that can be useful in determining how we facilitate their entrance to the industry,” she said.

Ms. Bailey noted that communities can reach out to the CLA to organise a visit if they have an interest in learning more about the medicinal cannabis industry.

Persons can reach the CLA by calling 876-654-7582 or 876-596-2996 and emailing info@cla.org.jm.

The CLA is an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries that was established in 2015 under the Dangerous Drug [Amendment] Act, with a specific role to establish and regulate Jamaica’s legal cannabis and hemp industry.

Last Updated: February 25, 2020

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