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CLA Issues 29 Licences

By: , February 22, 2019

The Key Point:

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has issued 29 licences to 23 persons since the Authority’s inception.
CLA Issues 29 Licences
Photo: Mark Bell
Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) Trade and Investment Manager, Logistics and Infrastructure, Don Gittens, addresses a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ on Thursday, February 21.

The Facts

  • According to Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) Trade and Investment Manager, Logistics and Infrastructure, Don Gittens, the 29 licences have been for the cultivation of cannabis, processing of cannabis for medicinal purposes, retail and research and development.
  • Speaking at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ on February 21, Mr. Gittens pointed out that the licences issued fall under four of the five licence categories.

The Full Story

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has issued 29 licences to 23 persons since the Authority’s inception.

According to Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) Trade and Investment Manager, Logistics and Infrastructure, Don Gittens, the 29 licences have been for the cultivation of cannabis, processing of cannabis for medicinal purposes, retail and research and development.

Speaking at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ on February 21, Mr. Gittens pointed out that the licences issued fall under four of the five licence categories.

“Seventeen are for the cultivation of cannabis, six are in the retailing category, four are for the processing of medical cannabis and two are for research and development (experimental) licence purposes,” he told JIS News.

An applicant is granted a licence once all the requirements are met and there have been no changes to the original application. However, a licence is issued upon receipt of the applicable licence fee, security bond and a Tripartite Agreement is established involving the CLA, the licencee and the downstream buyer.

Citing JAMPRO’s responsibility for the investment and promotion of the medical cannabis industry, Mr. Gittens emphasised that the sector’s potential for growth is significant.

“We know that Jamaica’s cannabis industry has a brand that can compete internationally based on the number of enquiries and investors that have expressed an interest in setting up medical cannabis within the country,” he said.

Last Updated: February 25, 2019

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