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Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Dispute Resolution Foundation Hold Workshop on Friday

November 28, 2008

The Full Story

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Dispute Resolution Foundation (DRF), will host their annual general meeting, workshop and reception on Friday, November 28 at the Hilton Kingston.
Convenor of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, John Bassie, told JIS News today (Nov. 26), that the workshop, which is being held under the theme: ‘Commercial Dispute Resolution – A Global Tool for the Caribbean in these troubling Economic Times,’ promises to be very interesting with lots of activities.
“The workshop will be a very interesting workshop. There are three areas that we will be looking at – the model law of arbitration, award writing and introduction to writing awards for arbitration, and thirdly, we will be doing an arbitration workshop involving some role playing on some aspects of arbitration, so it’s really a three-pronged approach,” he explained.
The workshop, Mr. Bassie said, is aimed at arbitrators and people interested in becoming arbitrators. “I implore them to come out and be part of this; it is groundbreaking…it provides you with a kind of roadmap on how you can develop yourself and your career and go forward and it helps you with other disciplines as well,” he noted.
The workshop, which will commence at 8:00 a.m. this Friday, will cater to at least 40 persons at a cost of US$275 each. The workshop will be conducted by noted arbitrator and mediator, Jeffrey Philip Elkinson. Registration forms are available at the Dispute Resolution Foundation at the Peace Centre, 5 Camp Road, Kingston, or at the agency’s website, www.drfja.org.com.

Last Updated: November 28, 2008

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