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Church… Most Powerful Social Organisation Created… says PM Golding

December 12, 2008

The Full Story

Prime Minister Bruce Golding, says the Church is the most powerful social organisation ever created and that what is needed is a whole new revival, to be inspired at the individual level through the communities and the organisations that work through them.
“There’s no political party, no professional organisation no fraternity that can ever compete with the power of the Church”, Mr. Golding said.
Mr. Golding was speaking this morning at a national Church leaders meeting at the National Indoor Sports Centre in Kingston. Church leaders from all across the island were invited to a consultative meeting by the directors of the National Transformation Programme.
The NTP is a non-partisan project, which will focus on moral, social and economic interventions, the restoration of strong family units and the entrenchment of values and attitudes.
Mr. Golding told the huge turn-out of Church leaders that despite the progress made by the country over the decades, “In so many respects, we are a people who have lost our way and abandoned some of the critical tools that must guide a nation”.

Praying for guidance for Prime Minister Bruce Golding and all the nation’s leaders: Church Leaders give their blessings to the Prime Minister ( C ) and the island’s leaders at this morning’s national Church leaders meeting at the National Indoor sports centre in Kingston. The meeting was called by the Director of the National Transformation Programme, Pastor Al Miller. From left are Rev. Lenworth Anglin, Dr. Henley Morgan, Bishop Herro Blair and Bishop Everton Thomas.

He said there is a confusion that exists between right and wrong.
“We have meandered into a state of mind where we no longer have that framework of values, that list of do’s and don’ts, that act as a kind of mooring for our behaviour towards each other”.
Mr. Golding called on the Church to unite, noting that any day the Church in Jamaica comes together , politicians including himself, are going to shake, business leaders are going to recognise that there is a new paradigm where there is a power that’s greater than them , and the gunmen will understand that their reign of power is over. He said the role that Government has to play could be so much more effective, if it is calibrated with the power of the Church community.
“I believe we have the leadership in the Church that can make it happen and any day the Church in Jamaica gets together and say, there is one God, One church and we are going to redeem this country, I don’t want to be on the platform. I want to be in the audience on my knees saying ‘Thank you Jesus'”, Mr. Golding concluded, to a standing ovation from the Church leaders.
The leaders were addressed earlier by International Church preacher and motivational speaker T.D Jakes, who also called for unity among the Church.

Last Updated: December 12, 2008

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