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Aiding The Ailing: Government Provisions for Medical Needs

October 27, 2023
Aiding The Ailing: Government Provisions for Medical Needs

The Full Story

Aiding The Ailing: Government Provisions For Medical Needs

The Government of Jamaica (GOJ), through the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW), the National Health Fund (NHF) and the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund has several ongoing programmes and initiatives to support the healthcare needs of the public.

Compassionate Care Programme

This programme was initiated by the MOHW to improve the overall quality of service in public hospitals and redefine the image of the public health sector. It involves training staff, enhancing basic infrastructure and engaging volunteers.

Compassionate Fund

This fund is managed by the MOHW in partnership with the NHF, it offers grants to the most vulnerable members of the public who cannot readily access healthcare.

Services covered by this fund include:

  • Specialised surgeries and procedures
  • Diagnostics
  • Specialised X-rays
  • Prescribed medication not covered under Jamaica’s vital essential and necessary drugs (VEN) programme

Drug Serv Pharmacies

The objective of Drug Serv pharmacies is to streamline the prescription process for vital, essential and necessary drugs (VEN) in order to reduce wait times for patients. The pharmacies are located islandwide and can be accessed by holders of NHF or Jamaica Drug for the Elderly Programme (JADEP) health cards.

Mental Health Clinics

These public sector facilities  are located islandwide and provide mental health services free of charge. The clinics are run by the MOHW, and they offer a range of services including assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of mental health conditions.

 CHASE Fund Medical Assistance Programme

The CHASE Fund Medical Assistance Programme is a charitable initiative that provides financial assistance to individuals who require medical treatment but are unable to afford the costs. The programme facilitates treatment of several conditions, including cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and other chronic illnesses.

Maternal and Newborn Care

The ‘Right Start – A Maternal and Newborn Care Initiative’ is a collaborative effort with the MOHW, the American Friends of Jamaica (AFJ), and the Jamaicans Abroad Helping Jamaicans at Home (JAHJAH) Foundation. The programme provides a variety of care supplies for vulnerable mothers and their babies.

For additional information, please contact:

Ministry of Health and Wellness

10-16 Grenada Way

Kingston 5

Telephone: 876-633-8103/876-633-7433

Email: pr@moh.gov.jm

Website: www.moh.gov.jm

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themohgovjm

Instagram/Twitter: (@themohgovjm)

Last Updated: October 27, 2023

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