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Jamaica’s Economic Dividends Must Be Used Wisely – Prime Minister Holness

By: , August 15, 2023
Jamaica’s Economic Dividends Must Be Used Wisely – Prime Minister Holness
Photo: Dave Reid
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, speaking during the ground-breaking ceremony for the $907-million Sheffield Palms housing development in Retreat, Westmoreland, on Friday (August 11).

The Full Story

The dividends of Jamaica’s economic performance must be used wisely and in the interest of the citizens, according to Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness.

Speaking during Friday’s (August 11) ceremony to break ground for the $907-million Sheffield Palms housing development in Retreat, Westmoreland, Mr. Holness maintained that “the economic benefits cannot be frittered away while people are suffering”.

“We have to make a commitment to ensuring that the vulnerable in our midst are protected. I believe in equity. If you are all the way down, then the Government must reach down, pull you by your hands and pull you up,” he stated.

Consequently, Mr. Holness urged the nation’s youth to improve their lives through the acquisition of skills that will make them more employable.

“A lot of Jamaicans are not earning what they could earn because they have no skills, [while] many of them have skills but they are not certified because they are not classified as having gone through a process of training,” Mr. Holness said.

He indicated that the Government is implementing programmes to reach out to those Jamaicans who are either not in or are about to enter the labour force but are not properly equipped.

“We want to get those youngsters because they are valuable. In an economy where unemployment is so low, labour is in great demand,” the Prime Minister emphasised.

Mr. Holness further stated that while Jamaica’s employment levels have increased significantly, many families remain affected by poverty.

“After the [COVID-19] pandemic, the [Government] has seen a rise in persons who are classified as absolutely poor, and poverty has several dimensions to it. So, the Government can help to bring people out of poverty by treating with these various dimensions. One dimension is lack of income… another part of poverty is the lack of knowledge and information. The Government can help to bring people out of poverty through the implementation of skills training programmes,” he stated.

Mr. Holness pointed out: “The greatest complaint that I get from business people is that ‘we cannot find people to work’.”

He added, “When I go out [in the communities], especially in the construction sector and I see these young men and women, they say ‘we can’t find work’.

“The important thing here is their skill level, and that is why the Government has made access to HEARTNSTA [Trust] free; [so] go and get your skill,” Mr. Holness underscored.

The Government recently launched the Learning and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme, targeting fifth and sixth-form graduates.

This initiative will provide youngsters with sustainable avenues for education, employment and assimilation into society.

Last Updated: August 15, 2023

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