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Mayor Outlines Development Projects for City Next Year

By: , December 16, 2022
Mayor Outlines Development Projects for City Next Year
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, addresses the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) monthly meeting on Tuesday (December 13), at its downtown Kingston offices.

The Full Story

Plans for the upcoming year include more sustainable development projects and renovations taking place across the City, says Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams.

“I am excited for the next phase of our strategic development plans and what our redeveloped and transformed city will be like in years to come,” the Mayor said, at the- monthly meeting of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) held on December 13 at its downtown Kingston offices.

“Already, we see the transformation before our eyes. There is more to do, see and be in Kingston than at any time in our past. I believe in the future of the City,” Senator Williams said.

In addition, the Mayor informed that Kingston has been chosen to participate in two pilot projects for urban infrastructure insurance and a global pioneer of sustainable tourism projects.

“We will continue to work on these initiatives and provide more updates as they unfold in the new year,” he said.

In recognition of the critical role of markets as economic drivers, the KSAMC continues to upgrade and refurbish markets across the City. Renovations of the Papine and Stony Hill Markets and the Red Rose fish market have been completed.

Upgrading works on the Jubilee and Redemption Markets are currently under way, the Mayor noted.

Mr. Williams said these projects are in line with the Government’s strong emphasis on infrastructure development.

“[This year], we celebrated 60 years of Independence and 50 years as the capital city of Jamaica. This year, we have seen and learned so much, but still we have quite a distance to go before we realise our vision for Jamaica land we love,” Senator Williams said.

Last Updated: December 16, 2022

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