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Vendors Pleased with New Look Stony Hill Market

By: , November 29, 2022
Vendors Pleased with New Look Stony Hill Market
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (third right), prepares to unveil the new Stony Hill Market sign, at the opening of the rehabilitated facility on Thursday (November 24). He is joined by (from left) Youth Mayor for Kingston, Kijani Williams; Deputy Mayor of Kingston, Councillor Winston Ennis; Minority Leader, Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), Councillor Andrew Swaby; Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness and Member of Parliament, St. Andrew West Rural, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn; Mayor of Kingston and St. Andrew, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams; Councillor, Stony Hill Division, Tosha Schwapp; and Chief Executive Officer, KSAMC, Robert Hill.
Vendors Pleased with New Look Stony Hill Market
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (third right), points to the plaque dedicating the rehabilitated Stony Hill Market in St. Andrew, during the official opening of the facility on Thursday (November 24). Applauding (from left) are Minority Leader, Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), Councillor Andrew Swaby; Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams; Member of Parliament, St. Andrew West Rural, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn; Councillor, Stony Hill Division, Tosha Schwapp; Deputy Mayor, Kingston, Councillor Winston Ennis and Chief Executive Officer, KSAMC, Robert Hill. The market was officially opened on Thursday, (November 24).

The Full Story

Two vendors are expressing pleasure at the rehabilitation of the Stony Hill Market in St. Andrew, noting that they now have a more spacious and welcoming environment to conduct business.

The facility, which was officially opened by Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, on Thursday (November 24), was renovated and expanded to increase the space available for vending shops and storage and to accommodate tools such as weighing scales. The bathrooms were also refurbished.

Sandra Williams* who has been selling produce in the market for almost 30 years, told JIS News that she is relieved that the renovations are completed.

“I feel so good. We’ve been waiting for so long and now that it come through it’s a blessing and we hope everybody will come together, keep it clean, pay our bills and love everyone, because this is a blessing,” she said.

Nicola Wynter*, another vendor, who said she has been selling in the market for more than three years, said that the facility was in a poor state before the upgrade.

“It wasn’t [suitable] for anybody to come in and shop. When rain used to fall, we would get wet. Now I don’t see any problem and I am ready to pay my market fee. I feel comfortable,” she said.

The work on the market is part of the general upgrading and maintenance of infrastructure by the Ministry and the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC).

During the official opening of the market, Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, said that across the municipality, works will be undertaken on roads, drains, bridges, markets and arcades.

“We have been focused on markets because markets are a very integral part of the townships or communities within which they fall. They are very important in commerce and business activities,” he noted.

He said that the upgrades will help to foster job and business opportunities for those within the municipality.

Welcoming the improvement of the Stony Hill market, Minister of State for Health and Wellness and Member of Parliament for St. Andrew West Rural, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, encouraged the vendors to keep the market clean.

“Take care of the market. Take care of your space. The look of a place is everything. You want to make sure that you keep the space as clean and neat as you receive it today to make people in the community want to come into the market and buy,” she said.

Last Updated: November 29, 2022

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