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Skills Training, Another Component for FDI

By: , July 7, 2022
Skills Training, Another Component for FDI
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Programme Director of the Global Services Sector (GSS) Project, Marjorie Straw, says the GSS Project and its partners offer training to Jamaicans to upskill them as part of Jamaica’s value proposition, as a skilled workforce attracts investments.
Skills Training, Another Component for FDI
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Chief Executive Officer of One-on-One Educational Services, Ricardo Allen, says that both the economy and overall well-being of the population can be improved if the country attracts investments from the high-value outsourcing industry, through upskilling and certification of the local workforce.

The Full Story

The Global Services Sector (GSS) Project is aimed at providing Jamaicans with the requisite skills and training to attract foreign direct investment and other positive outcomes.

Speaking at a recent JIS Think Tank session on the new High School Immersion Bootcamp Training Programme offered under the GSS Project, Programme Director, Marjorie Straw, said that skills and training are important considerations for investors.

“It is one of the key decisions that an investor makes. Apart from looking at a particular jurisdiction, trying to understand what are the incentives… and after looking at those considerations, it then turns to ‘does this country have the skillsets I require? Does this country have a pipeline of talent that I can depend on and make my decision with confidence to set up my operations there?’.” Ms. Straw explained.

Presenting Jamaica’s value proposition for foreign direct investment, the GSS Project is providing training for Jamaican youth, so that they can understand the global services industry, the importance of upskilling and reskilling, and be prepared to work within the industry. Training is offered in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Youth, Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), the HEART/NSTA Trust, Global Services Association of Jamaica, and the Global Services Skills Council (GSSC).

Besides the initial attraction of foreign direct investment that can result from a trained and skilled workforce, Chief Executive Officer of One-on-One Educational Services, Ricardo Allen, shared secondary benefits that Jamaica can reap from the high-value outsource market.

“Through us preparing more persons and causing an uptick in the productive sector…we can earn more taxes, more economic activity, people are earning higher wages and so on. So, in fact, by causing these persons to get certified in these areas, it is directly linked to the overall welfare of our people and our economy,” Mr. Allen added.

One-on-One Educational Services is a partner of the GSS Project in the delivery of the High School Immersion Bootcamp Training Programme, which begins on July 11.

This programme targets 20,000 students aged 16 to 20 with training and certification through the HEART/NSTA Trust and other partners in areas such as, but not limited to, business, accounting, information technology and industrial technology.


Last Updated: July 8, 2022

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