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Preparations Advanced For National Census

By: , September 3, 2021
Preparations Advanced For National Census
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Deputy Director General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica, Leesha Delatie-Budair.

The Full Story

The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) says preparations are well under way for the 2022 national population and housing census.

The exercise was originally scheduled to be undertaken this year, but was deferred to April 2022 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Deputy Director General, Leesha Delatie-Budair, told JIS News that the census will incorporate increased usage of information and communications technology (ICT) among data collectors.

“STATIN has been using tablet computers to undertake surveys since 2013, but the 2022 population and housing census will be the first conducted using computer-assisted personal interviews,” she further informed.

Ms. Delatie-Budair pointed out that to vamp up ICT usage, STATIN has partnered with e-Learning Jamaica Limited to procure some 7,500 tablets to be used by field workers/data collectors.

She advised that after the census is completed, the tablets will be donated to the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Information to supplement the Tablets in School Programme.

Ms. Delatie-Budair noted that when STATIN commenced planning for the census five years ago, a key objective was forging strategic partnerships with governmental and non-governmental agencies to make the exercise census as efficient as possible.

“Through utilising the tablets to conduct personal interviews, we’re able to put a lot of quality and consistency checks into the data-collection process. Additionally, we can get the data in office in a timelier manner. Using tablets, we expect to have the data in-house for processing sooner,” she pointed out.

Ms. Delatie-Budair informed that there will be four rounds of training for data collectors, between January and March next year. There will also be the training sessions for other census workers, such as field supervisors.

She described the process of recruiting census workers as transparent, noting that applicants contacted are required to do a pre-employment test.

“We’re not requesting specific academic qualifications, but we do have to make sure that candidates are able to read, write and understand the material, so that they can administer the questionnaire effectively,” she pointed out.

Ms. Delatie-Budair said STATIN anticipates that usage of the tablets will benefit the nation and ease the process of collecting data, resulting in timely and efficient data collection.

She encouraged citizens to participate in the census and accommodate data collectors.

Last Updated: September 3, 2021

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