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Policy Developed To Accelerate Family-Type Placement Of Children 0-3 Years Old

By: , July 14, 2021
Policy Developed To Accelerate Family-Type Placement Of Children 0-3 Years Old
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams, speaks in the House of Representatives on July 13.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, working with the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), has developed a policy to accelerate family-type placement of children three years and under entering State care.

“This will ensure that children zero to three years old, who have entered State care, are placed in an approved placement under a foster-care arrangement until their case is resolved, either by family reintegration, kinship care or by some other appropriate permanent placement, such as adoption,” Portfolio Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams, said.

The Minister was delivering a statement in the House of Representatives on July 13.

Mrs. Williams informed that a draft Cabinet submission has been prepared and is currently circulated to the relevant stakeholders for comments.

“Upon receipt of these comments, the approval of the Cabinet will be sought for the Ministry to embark on this policy direction,” she said.

Meanwhile, with technical support from Winrock International, the study of Children Living and Working on the Street was completed and submitted to Cabinet for approval.

Mrs. Williams said an analysis of the root causes underpinning children living and working on the street indicates that consumption poverty is the most obvious push factor for child labour on the streets, and the potential for quick monetary gains is the most significant pull factor.

She noted that Cabinet’s approval was secured for the circulation of the final document as well as for the establishment of a multiscctoral body to review and finalise a Street and Working Children Framework of Action and oversee the implementation of said Framework of Action.

The Minister added that the CPFSA is currently in the process of establishing the Task Force.

Last Updated: July 15, 2021

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