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US$140.9M official development assistance in 2019

By: , September 24, 2020

The Full Story

Jamaica received official development assistance (ODA) funding worth US$140.9 million during 2019 from international development partners (IDPs).

This was 36.2 per cent lower than the sum received the previous year, according to the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) 2019 Economic and Social Survey.

The document indicates that the 2019 provision comprised loans amounting to US$65 million, and grants totalling US$75.9 million.

Assistance from multilateral financing institutions (MFIs) amounted to US$85 million, a 49 per cent decrease over 2018, consequent on a reduction in the number of loan agreements between the Government and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Jamaica’s bilateral partner-approved grants totalled US$47.3 million, a 65.9 per cent increase compared to 2018, the Survey further outlined.

This increase is attributable to a US$25.8-million grant approved by the People’s Republic of China, under the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation.

Some US$5.8 million in funding support was provided by Multilateral Technical Cooperation (MTC) agencies, a 71.6 per cent decrease compared to 2018, which recorded an exceptional increase in the sum channelled via the MTC portfolio due to the approval of a new US$12-million grant provision.

This sum was earmarked to support activities under the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria between 2019 and 2021.

A breakdown of the sectoral allocation for ODA received in 2019 showed that the largest sum of US$67.8 million funded activities related to agriculture, tourism, mining and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Engagements to improve access to agriculture and tourism markets using climate-resilient approaches accounted for 59 per cent of the provision.

The second largest provision of US$38 million was allocated to fund social infrastructure in the areas of health, education, housing and the social safety net.

A total of US$27 million was earmarked for economic infrastructure relating to transport, power, water, and sewerage, among other areas, while US$4.8 million funded administrative engagements, including public sector reform, justice, budget support and governance.

A provision of US$3.3 million was programmed for environment and climate change activities focusing on natural hazards, ecosystem preservation, disaster risk reduction, and climate change resilience.

Last Updated: September 24, 2020

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