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Energy Council Will Ensure Sustainable Development of Sector – Minister Williams

By: , July 10, 2019

The Key Point:

Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Hon. Fayval Williams, says the reconvening of the Jamaica Energy Council will ensure the sustainable development of the country’s energy sector.
Energy Council Will Ensure Sustainable Development of Sector – Minister Williams
Hon. Fayval Williams, MP, Minister of Education, Youth and Information

The Facts

  • She was addressing stakeholders prior to a tour of Massy Gas Products Jamaica Limited’s facility in Montego Bay, St. James, on July 5.
  • Mrs. Williams noted that the Council, which will function as a nation decision-making body, will allow for continuity of policy, and will utilise “imperial data-driven information to make strategic and timely decisions”.

The Full Story

Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Hon. Fayval Williams, says the reconvening of the Jamaica Energy Council will ensure the sustainable development of the country’s energy sector.

She was addressing stakeholders prior to a tour of Massy Gas Products Jamaica Limited’s facility in Montego Bay, St. James, on July 5.

Mrs. Williams noted that the Council, which will function as a nation decision-making body, will allow for continuity of policy, and will utilise “imperial data-driven information to make strategic and timely decisions”.

She noted, further, that “it is aimed at facilitating consensus and minimising the negative influence that partisan and other special interest groups and individuals may try to have on our energy sector”.

Cabinet approved the re-establishment of the Council, chaired by Minister Williams, and including representatives from various organisations.

The Council was initially established by a decision of Cabinet on March 12, 2012 and is supported by the National Energy Policy, 2008-2030, which provides the framework to pursue a comprehensive programme for improving the island’s energy efficiency and facilitate fuel source diversification and long-term energy security.

In the meantime, the Minister lauded the innovations being undertaken by Massy Gas Products and other stakeholders in the energy sector.

“These innovations not only help the companies to remain viable and competitive but they also aid in our efforts to create a modern, efficient, diversified and environmentally sustainable energy sector,” she noted.

She hailed the company’s efforts to convert petrol-fuelled vehicles to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

“You (Massy Gas Products) are a good part of that (sustainable energy) industry. LPG currently provides about three per cent of all energy consumed and burns relatively cleaner with no soot and very little sulfur emissions,” Mrs. Williams said.

“There is a great thrust to find cleaner fuel for our transportation sector. So I was happy to hear about the product that you (Massy Gas Products) have, having converted about 100 vehicles already (to LPG). This is something I think you should be out there with in a big way in terms of raising the awareness of it,” she added.

Last Updated: July 10, 2019

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