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Heart Month to Focus on Diabetes

By: , January 26, 2019
Heart Month to Focus on Diabetes
Photo: Adrian Walker
Executive Director of the Heart Foundation of Jamaica (HFJ), Deborah Chen, provides details about activities for Heart Month in February, during a recent JIS Think Tank.

The Full Story

The Heart Foundation of Jamaica (HFJ) will observe Heart Month in February under the theme: ‘The Diabetic Heart: Are You at Risk?’    

Speaking at a recent JIS Think, HFJ Executive Director, Deborah Chen, said the objective is to turn national attention to the connection between diabetes and heart disease.

“I think if we can get people to realise that, we can actually have more persons being interested in control and prevention of diabetes, which is what we try to do at the HFJ,” she said.    

She said the HFJ wants more persons with the disease to follow the advice of their doctors and nutritionists and practice a healthy lifestyle.   

“Although some of the complications may sound very serious and it seems to be gloom and doom, you can, in fact, manage your condition if you have diabetes and if you don’t have it you can prevent yourself from getting it,” she noted.

The HFJ will be increasing screening services during Heart Month.

Visits will be made to health centres across the Corporate Area including Duhaney Park, Harbour View, Bethel Town, Guys Hill, Lawrence Tavern, Maxfield Park, Rollington Town, Norman Gardens and Waterford.     

Free screenings will also be facilitated by sponsors at the HFJ’s 28 Beechwood Avenue headquarters on February 1; Boulevard Supercentre on February 8; at Breezy Castle on February 28; and at St. William Grant Park, downtown Kingston on a date to be announced.

Other activities include outside broadcasts; a medical symposium for health professionals on February 19; and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Day on February 23 at the Heart Foundation’s offices.

The HFJ is open for screening every day and the entity reaches persons across the island through its mobile service.

Last Updated: January 26, 2019

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