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$35.9M Allocated to Continue Soil Fertility Mapping Project Implementation in 2024/25

By: , February 21, 2024
$35.9M Allocated to Continue Soil Fertility Mapping Project Implementation in 2024/25
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, tables the 2024/25 Estimates of Expenditure in the House of Representatives on Thursday (February 15). At left is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

The Full Story

An additional $35.9 million has been budgeted to continue work under the Soil Fertility Mapping Project during fiscal year 2024/25.

The project, which commenced in October 2021, aims to increase productivity and the quality of agricultural produce through an integrated soil management system.

It is also intended to optimise farmers’ profits and enhance farming efficiency, while maintaining good environmental stewardship.

Details of the undertaking are contained in the 2024/25 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.

Project achievements up to December 2023 include the completion of training in soil and plant analysis and GIS software, and digitisation of manual maps; and the commencement of soil sampling and analysis in the plot area and design of fertilisation recommendations.

Anticipated outcomes for the upcoming fiscal year include designing GIS tool for soil fertility information, designing and developing a web-enabled soil information system, conducting training in soil and plant analysis, conducting GIS application to soil mapping, and undertaking a public education and awareness campaign.

This is in addition to developing a comprehensive soil database and upgrading land-use mapping, completing soil sampling and analysis in plot area, and completing design of fertilisation recommendations.

The project, which is slated to end in September 2025, is being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining with joint funding from the Government of Jamaica and Kingdom of Morocco.

An estimated $51.9 million is earmarked for the project’s implementation in fiscal year 2025/26, if necessary.

Last Updated: February 21, 2024

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