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$315M Budgeted to Construct St. Catherine North Police Divisional Headquarters

By: , February 20, 2023
$315M Budgeted to Construct St. Catherine North Police Divisional Headquarters
Photo: R. Fraser
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, tables the Estimates of Expenditure in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (February 14).

The Full Story

Approximately $315 million will be spent by the Government during the upcoming fiscal year to commence constructing the St. Catherine North Police Divisional Headquarters.

The provision is set aside in the 2023/24 Estimates of Expenditure, which was tabled in the House of Representatives by Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, on February 14.

The project aims to increase the capacity and comfort of police officers assigned to the St. Catherine North Division and forms part of the Government’s efforts to provide improved facilities for members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

The undertaking is slated to commence in April 2023 and projected to end by March 2026.

For the upcoming fiscal year, it is anticipated that five per cent of the construction activities will be completed.

The project, which is being implemented by the Ministry of National Security, is being financed from the Consolidated Fund.

The 2023/24 Estimates of Expenditure will be considered by the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives, beginning March 1.

Last Updated: March 7, 2023

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