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20-Member Delegation for Logistics Training in China

By: , November 6, 2014

The Key Point:

A 20-member delegation will leave the island on Thursday, November 6, for China to participate in training in logistics technology.

The Facts

  • The team of public and private sector representatives includes personnel from the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Trade Board, Jamaica Customs Agency, Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce.
  • The 20-day course will include actual classroom work with discussion and information on e-commerce; planning and developing logistics and industrial parks; modern port logistics; logistics standards and regulations; logistics education and training; and customs regulation.

The Full Story

A 20-member delegation will leave the island on Thursday, November 6, for China to participate in training in logistics technology.

The team of public and private sector representatives includes personnel from the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Trade Board, Jamaica Customs Agency, Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce.

Policy Analyst at the Logistics Hub Secretariat, Ainsley Brown, who will lead the delegation, told JIS News that the 20-day course will include actual classroom work with discussion and information on e-commerce; planning and developing logistics and industrial parks; modern port logistics; logistics standards and regulations; logistics education and training; and customs regulation.

He noted that the training will be facilitated by Chinese officials and industry experts, and will also involve visits to various cities in China to examine best practices and get a full appreciation of their logistics technology and operations.

“We will go to special economic zones, bonded warehousing areas and also look at the cultural side of things, where we will be exposed to their culture and get to see historical areas…so it will be a full, balanced approach with understanding from both the technical and cultural standpoint,” Mr. Brown highlighted.

He noted that on their return to Jamaica, each member will have to prepare a report on their experience and how lessons learnt can be integrated in the various sectors that they represent.

“We anticipate that each person will bring a different perspective…so we will bring all the reports together and then each Department or Ministry will be able to use the various perspectives in order to adjust and enhance what they are currently doing,” the Policy Analyst explained.

He said it is important “to go to places to see elements of what we would like and best practices around the world.”

“The Chinese, because of their economic development, are fairly modern, so we will be able to see the development and parts that are already developed, and that, for us, is essential because we will be able to come back much more informed and add value to what we are already doing,” Mr. Brown noted further.


Last Updated: November 6, 2014

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