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Youngsters from Montego Bay in UK as Part of Cultural Exchange

January 23, 2009

The Full Story

Eight young people from Montego Bay are visiting the United Kingdom as guests of the Bishop Auckland Theatre Hooligans (BATH) in Durham, East Yorkshire, to take part in a series of cultural and social exchanges.
The group, which comprises six students and two youth leaders, participated in the official opening of the Jamaica Difference 2008 Exhibition which was held yesterday (Jan. 21) at the Bishop Auckland Town Hall. The exhibition features photographs, videos, painting as well as other craft, and represents the work of the BATH group during a visit to Jamaica last year.
BATH, which is affiliated with the King James I Community College, had paid a one week visit to Jamaica to observe a range of cultural and social activities.
While in Jamaica, the group, which was based in Montego Bay, met and interacted with young people from the Montego Bay Boys and Girls Club and the Flankers Peace and Justice Centre.
High Commissioner, Burchell Whiteman, who visited the exhibition and met with the visiting Jamaican delegation and the BATH group, commended the scope of the exhibition and the themes that were covered.
He also offered words of encouragement and commendation to the Jamaicans for so ably representing the island and its culture. Mr. Whiteman said he hoped that the links forged between the Jamaicans and the BATH group, was the beginning of a long lasting partnership.
“The connects being made by our young people are important as this is one way in which we can better relate to each other and make a difference in our societies,” he added.
The visit of the Jamaicans was organised and funded by BATH as part of its Jamaica Difference project. During their stay in Bishop Auckland, the eight Jamaicans will take part in lessons and activities at the King James I Community Arts College.

Last Updated: August 30, 2013

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