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Work Continues to Improve Cross Roads Market

By: , June 12, 2024
Work Continues to Improve Cross Roads Market
Photo: Michael Sloley
Mayor of Kingston, Councillor Andrew Swaby, addresses today’s (June 11) meeting of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), at 24 Church Street in downtown Kingston.

The Full Story

Work continues to improve the sanitary conditions at the Cross Roads Market in Kingston, says Mayor of Kingston, Councillor Andrew Swaby.

“The KSAMC (Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation) has embarked on a massive cleanup of the Cross Roads Market. The meat market was washed extensively, after which it was sanitised. An extermination team also carried out work over a two-day period. The counters on which the meats are placed have been resurfaced with stainless steel sheeting,” he said.

Mayor Swaby provided an update on the works being undertaken at the facility during Tuesday’s (June 11) sitting of the monthly Council meeting at the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation’s offices in downtown Kingston.

He further reported that work to improve the sanitary convenience at the facility has been completed.

“We will be constructing a garbage house and the parking area will be paved, and this should be completed by this weekend,” he said.

Prior to the improvements being undertaken at the facility, visits were conducted by a technical team of the KSAMC and members of the Public Health Department.

A meeting was also held with meat vendors at the facility.

“Out of that meeting with the Public Health Department and meat vendors, they have offered to go into the market to provide training of these personnel for the Food Handlers Permit. This training will come at a nominal cost to each person,” the Mayor had reported at the last Council meeting in May.

Last Updated: June 12, 2024

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