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Work Advanced To Develop Higher Education Policy Framework

By: , April 15, 2021
Work Advanced To Develop Higher Education Policy Framework
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams, addresses a virtual post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday (April 14).

The Full Story

A concept paper to advance the development of a National Higher Education Policy Framework to govern the higher education sector in Jamaica has been approved by Cabinet.

This was disclosed by Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams, at a virtual post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday (April 14).

She said that the approval of the concept paper “sets in motion the development of a National Higher Education Policy, which would streamline Jamaica’s higher education sector to work in a cohesive and efficient manner facilitating the achievement of the outcomes of Vision 2030”.

The Minister pointed out that there have been significant efforts over the years to establish a modernised governance framework for the oversight and management of the higher education sector in Jamaica.

“The development of the policy would provide a direct and transparent channel of communication between higher education institutions and other institutions in terms of skills development, to assist in driving the growth of the economy and legislative changes that would be required,” she noted.

Ms. Williams noted that the country has seen increases in its enrolment numbers, which resulted in an increase in the number of institutions offering higher education and training nationally.

To date, Jamaica has three universities, five community colleges, six teachers’ colleges, two polytechnic colleges and four workforce training institutions.

Last Updated: April 15, 2021

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