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Water Supply System to Help Improve Infrastructure of Mo’bay Communities

January 13, 2008

The Full Story

Minister of Water and Housing, Dr. Horace Chang, has expressed satisfaction over the progress of the pipe laying project now underway in sections of Flankers, Montego Bay.
The project, which costs some $30 million will supply water to the communities of Norwood, Providence Heights, and Flankers, and is aimed at supplying approximately 2,500 households with potable drinking water. Work is expected to be completed within the first quarter of the year.
During a tour of the project on Thursday (Jan. 10) in Flankers, Dr. Chang told JIS News that the establishment of the new water mains will link the three areas to a more consistent water supply system over an extended period.
“This programme is part of an attempt to bring infrastructure into the informal areas in the Montego Bay region. What we are seeing here today is the first phase of several phases of the water supply . we anticipate that during this calendar year, we should be spending over $300 to $400 million on the enhancement of water system for Flankers and other areas,” Dr. Chang noted.
He further observed that other infrastructure works are presently underway including extensive road rehabilitation and drain cleaning throughout the developing Flankers community, and adjoining areas.
“There are additional roads to be done within the Flankers community. The drains are presently being done in this area at a cost of $65 million. We are on the road to bring about the quality improvements in these small informal areas to enhance the quality of life for residents,” the Minister told JIS News.

Last Updated: January 13, 2008

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