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Vaccination Blitz Continues This Weekend

By: , August 13, 2021
Vaccination Blitz Continues This Weekend
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, addressing the virtual COVID Conversations press conference on August 12.

The Full Story

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says that the vaccination blitz will continue this weekend in several parishes.

“We are active across the country with our regular blitz operation this Saturday and Sunday and we urge persons to go out and get vaccinated. If you can’t get an appointment online or through the phone lines, go to the site.

We prefer the appointment but don’t let a lack of appointment stop you,” he said.

He was speaking during the virtual COVID Conversations press conference on August 12.

The blitz sites are: St. Jago Park Health Centre and Portmore HEART Academy in St. Catherine (Saturday); Morant Bay Health Centre, Joong Supermarket, and Seaforth Health Centre in St. Thomas (Saturday); Maxfield Park Health Centre (Saturday), and the National Arena (Saturday, Sunday) in Kingston and St. Andrew; St. Mary Anglican Church, St. Mary (Saturday); Buff Bay Health Centre, Portland (Saturday); Bell-Aire Farmers’ Market, St. Ann (Saturday and Sunday); Denbigh Primary School (Saturday and Sunday) and Spalding Health Centre (Saturday) in Clarendon; Barbary Hall Community Centre, Santa Cruz Health Centre, Junction Health Centre, and Black River Health Centre, St. Elizabeth (Saturday); Mandeville Regional Hospital, Manchester (Saturday and Sunday); Sandals Inn, and the Type 5 Health Centre in St. James (Saturday); and the Lucea Health Centre in Hanover (Saturday).

Last Updated: August 14, 2021

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