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Use Local Government Month to Improve Service Delivery – Minister McKenzie

By: , November 1, 2016

The Key Point:

Local authorities are being urged to use the observance of Local Government and Community Month in November to reflect on the level of service that they have been providing to the public and take the necessary steps to address shortcomings.
Use Local Government Month to Improve Service Delivery – Minister McKenzie
Photo: Marlon Tingling
Glenroy Clarke (right) places his hand on the head of Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (2nd right) as he offers prayers for the Minister and public officials during a church service to officially launch Local Government and Community Month on Sunday (October 30) at the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands in Lucea, Hanover. At second left is Mayor of Lucea, Councillor Wynter McIntosh. Local Government and Community Month is being observed in November under the theme ‘Rebuilding Civic Pride in Your Community and Mine’.

The Facts

  • Local Government and Community Month is being observed during November under the theme ‘Rebuilding Civic Pride in Your Community and Mine’.

The Full Story

Local authorities are being urged to use the observance of Local Government and Community Month in November to reflect on the level of service that they have been providing to the public and take the necessary steps to address shortcomings.

The charge came from Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, at a service to officially launch the month held on Sunday (October 31) at the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, in Lucea, Hanover.

He noted that the mission of the Ministry and persons involved in the work of the local authorities is to change the way people think and feel about local government in Jamaica.

“Those who have been elected… have that responsibility to ensure that we are credible and that the people believe and trust us,” he pointed out.

“We are your servants, we are here to serve you and nobody… should feel that they don’t have recourse when we fail to perform,” Minister McKenzie said.

During the church service, greetings were brought by Mayor of Lucea, Councillor Wynter McIntosh, and Custos of Hanover, Hon. Dr. David Stair.

The Prime Minister’s message was read by Government Senator, Charles Sinclair, while Vice President of the Association of Local Government Authorities, Councillor Danree Delancy read a message on behalf of President, Scean Barnswell.

Local Government and Community Month is being observed during November under the theme ‘Rebuilding Civic Pride in Your Community and Mine’.

Last Updated: November 1, 2016

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