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United Way Raised $92 Million Last Year

March 18, 2007

The Full Story

Chief Executive Officer of United Way of Jamaica, Winsome Wilkins, has said that the organization raised nearly $92 million last year, to undertake projects and programmes to meet the social and material needs of the less fortunate in the society.
The amount, she said, was $31 million above target, and $40 million more than the $52 million raised in 2005.
Mrs. Wilkins, who was addressing a meeting of volunteers held at the Halse Hall Great House in Clarendon, commended the many organizations and individuals for their contribution to the fundraising effort.
“The biggest contributor to the effort had been Red Stripe as they were our highest corporate donors,” she said, noting that corporate donations accounted for more than 87 per cent of total contributions for last year.
Other big donors included Victoria Mutual Building Society, Jamaica National Building Society, Gore Developers and United States Ambassador Sue Cobb and husband Charles.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Wilkins informed that “so far, we have some 30 corporate bodies as well as 102 individuals, who qualify for membership to our national builders club.” Builders club members contribute a minimum donation of $50,000 (corporate) and $10,000 (individual).
In addition, she pointed to a “significant increase” in the number of persons, who have contributed as part of the Employee Giving Programme, which targets persons who are employed to government and private sector agencies. “The section managed to net over $7 million,” she informed.
Immediately following the formal meeting and lunch, the volunteers participated in a number of activities such as board games, dancing and some even enjoyed the pool as part of the fun component for the day.

Last Updated: March 18, 2007

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