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Tribute on the Passing of the Rt. Hon Edward Phillip George Seaga from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce

By: , May 31, 2019
Tribute on the Passing of the Rt. Hon Edward Phillip George Seaga from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce
Photo: Contributed
Jamaica Chamber of Commerce President, Lloyd Distant Jr.

The Full Story

Jamaica has lost one of its most accomplished sons in the passing of the Most. Hon. Phillip Edward George Seaga. Few of our leaders have had his breadth of vision or have exceeded his foresight in creating and championing critical and transformative institutions that served – and continue to serve – our country well.

From the HEART Trust/NTA, the Urban Development Corporation, the Jamaica Stock Exchange and the Jamaica Unit Trust; to the Jamaica Mortgage Bank, Students’ Loan Bureau, Agricultural Credit Bank, EXIM Bank and JAMPRO, Mr. Seaga’s unique imprint as a visionary institution builder, is unparalleled. These entities have had a significant impact on the nation’s social and economic environment.

What is also noteworthy, and perhaps not as well known to younger Jamaicans, was that the former Prime Minister saw earlier than most, the scope for the development of Jamaica’s cultural and creative industries both as a means of celebrating the Jamaican spirit as well as a foundation for the growth of industries that would help to establish the nation as a creative hub. His role in taking ska to the wider world and in being a pioneer in the recording industry as well as in launching the Jamaica Festival movement and Things Jamaican are accomplishments that illustrate just how wide-ranging were his interests and how impactful were his contributions.

This eclectic span of interests – in sport, music, art, dance, business and, of course, politics, coupled with his abiding faith in the talent of the Jamaican People – equipped him admirably for passionate service to the Country he loved so deeply.

The nation is poorer for his passing. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife Carla, children Christopher, Anabella, Andrew and Gabrielle, his family, colleagues and friends.

For further information please contact the JCC President, Lloyd Distant Jnr.
Telephone: 876-922-0150 Email: Lloyd.distant@gmail.com

Last Updated: May 31, 2019

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